Four things you should put in place before applying to a front end job as a developer

If you are looking to start your journey into the universe of web development and securing your first gig, you are expected to know and understand the usage of a number of tools d concepts including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, frameworks, version control and command line applications.

The purpose of this post is to help point you in the right direction of 4 basic things you should put in place before applying your first front end dev job.

Let's see.

1. Code Editor

As a coder, you will invest a ton of energy in whatever code editor you go with.

That is the reason why you should initially research the capabilities of individual editors and how to put this capabilities to use.

Personally, I would recommend you start with either Sublime Text or Visual Studio Code.

Both are free to use and beginner friendly.

2. Build a Contact Form

In case you're working on a web project, there's absolutely no way you will be able to avoid working on forms. They're a major component of web apps.

Forms are a integral to user interaction on your site. Regardless of whether your guest is sold on what you bring to the table, a messed up or even a badly designed form could give them reason enough to leave.

3. Master Form Validation

JavaScrpt is a must know for every developer, it's one of the most mainstream programming languages on the planet and, to be perfectly honest.

Front-end development relies a lot on JavaScript for an assortment of tasks, for example, making intuitive components for website pages (sliders, maps, diagrams, menus, and so forth.). One rather pleasant component of the language is that it can control the DOM, which enables it to offer dynamic interaction to users without expecting to reload the page.

4. Design and Code Your Own Portfolio Website

In your vocation as a web developer, you'll likely wind up collaborating with designers on projects. Understanding the design process will help you grasp a lot and make it easier for you to collaborate.

What other way can you master collaboration if it is not by building your own portfolio website.

Originally posted on CodeInfo. Hive blog powered by ENGRAVE.